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Other directors include: Steven Barnett, Peter Chiappetta, Norman Cortese, Tom Crocker, Jack Daut, David Feder, John Gallo, William Glass, Michael Gora, Casey Gunnell, Werner Krause, Brian McGowen, Phil Modder, Leo Noble, Warren Orlando, Buck Passmore, J.C. They are: Richard Murdoch, chairman John Hanifan, chairman-elect Sandra Schmidt, vice chairman William Hager, vice chairman Nat West, treasurer Mike Arts, president and Jim Barr, chairman ex-officio.

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The Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce recently installed its officers for 1995-96 at its annual meeting at the Boca Raton Resort and Club. The eye bank, located at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute/University of Miami School of Medicin, has provided more than 27,000 corneas free to transplants over the last 34 years.

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He has been a Lion for the past 37 years. Arthur DiRienzo, a member of the Boca Raton Lions Club, has been named executive director for the Florida Lions Eye Bank.

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